Thought of a poor lad


I look at my feet i have no shoe
nothing covering it from earth scorch
but it hurt less for I am accustomed to it

I looked up to the heavens
Where will my help come from
I said the exact words of King David
but I feel my situation is worse
for he is a rich king
and am a poor hungry lad

As I was drowned in my thought
a house with four wheels drove pass
the rich people inside looked at me like a plague
I don't mind am use to the stare
but never use to them sparing a change or food

I looked around and saw many poor folks
then i became overwhelmed with a sudden determination
I will be rich and I will become a beacon of hope
I swear not to be like all these potbellies at high top
only after money and their stomach
I swear to be different, better.


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