Sad but True
*SAD, BUT TRUE* 1. Realize this: No matter what you say and how you say it, SOME people will never get it. That's not your fault! *Sad, But True!* 2. No matter how pure your motives are, SOMEBODY will still accuse you of ill intentions. Stay pure anyway. *Sad, But True!* 3. No matter how humble you are, somebody will still consider you proud. Stay humble, anyway. *Sad, But True!* 4. No matter how generous you are, somebody will still call you "selfish". Remain generous, anyway. *Sad, But True!* 5. Sometimes some of your greatest pains will come from those you gave the most pleasure. *Sad, But True!* 6. Some of your greatest disappointments will come from those you gave your best appointments or commitments. *Sad, But True!* 7. Sometimes some of the worst things you'd hear about yourself may come from those you speak the best of. *Sad, But True!* 8. Not everyone in your ship is paddling in the direction of your dreamed destination. Discernment...